DTGen (previously Dieselec Thistle Generators) specialises in the sale and service of a range of sustainable prime and standby power solutions.

Business development during Nevis ownership
Nevis met Paul Moore and Jim Arthur, the owners of Dieselec Generators, in 2009 when the business was experiencing “growing pains”. We took time to understand what each of them wanted and structured a deal to give Jim an exit from the business and to support Paul to take the business forward.
Shortly after completing the buyout at Dieselec, Nevis led a deal to acquire their biggest competitor in Scotland, Thistle Generators, to create Dieselec Thistle. This transaction significantly increased the scale and capability of Dieselec and gave the business a solid foundation to expand across the UK.
Nevis supported Paul to grow from being a Scottish dealer of FG Wilson diesel generators, to become one of the leading providers of a range of sustainable power solutions across the UK. We rebranded to “DTGen” to recognise that the business had transitioned from primarily providing back-up diesel generators, to providing a range of sustainable and renewable power offerings to support our customers on their road to net zero. Establishing DTGen in the Midlands and acquiring Power Electric Generators in Bristol and a number of smaller services businesses across England, created a truly national presence.
During our involvement we were delighted to support the growth and development of the team (which grew from 12 people to over 100) with turnover and profits growing by over 500%.
Latterly, we established a partnership with Flogas to provide gas powered generators for prime power applications. Having built a trusted relationship with them, we sold the business to Flogas in November 2023 to allow Paul Moore to release the value that he had built up in the business.
“Nevis have been incredibly supportive to me and the business over the last 13 years. We really benefited from their experience and they helped us to take the difficult steps to grow, diversify and move the business forward that we might not have taken without their involvement. They struck the right balance of being there when we needed them but leaving us to get on to run the ‘day to day’. I’ve enjoyed their support, guidance and camaraderie over the years – and the trusted relationship that we developed as partners to build the business”.
Paul Moore, Director