Merkland Tank (“Merkland”) which can trace its origins to the 1880’s in the Glasgow ship servicing industry, provides a range of engineering services associated with tanks and vessels. Typical works include tank cleaning, inspection, installation and decommissioning. Its specialisms include Ministry of Defence contracts, refineries, distilleries, waste water treatment works, water and utility industries, and the oil and gas industry.

Business development during Nevis ownership
Merkland has been continually growing over the last decade and Robbie Horne, the third generation owner who has been leading the business for more than 35 years, decided that he wanted to step back and realise the value he had created.
In October 2017 Nevis Capital completed the acquisition of Merkland from Robbie and since then the business has continued to grow and develop. The business, which is now led by Managing Director Kirsty McIntyre, has increased Turnover 3 fold, grown its tanker fleet from 3 to 12 and grown employee numbers from 12 to 44.
“As a business we have a tremendous heritage from the original ship servicing works to steel work contracts, and have become a leader in our field due to the quality and dedication of our outstanding team. The Nevis team have brought an ambition to take the business through its next stage of development and have helped us to grow the business and to diversify into new markets.”
Kirsty McIntyre, Managing Director